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About Us
You'll find out more about us here, but in essence we exist to provide support, fellowship and learning to evangelicals within Peterborough Diocese.
Peterborough DEF Lent Bible School: God, sex and human flourishing
Meet with others on Zoom (details in the links for each session below) for 5 sessions over Lent thinking through Christian teaching about identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage.
24th February, 7:30-8:30pm Learning together [Jonnie Deja]
With so many different opinions, even among Christians, how do we work out what is right?
What do we do when people have different opinions about what the Bible says?
3rd March, 7:30-8:30pm Identity [Mark Lucas]
What is fundamental to our identity as human beings, and as Christians?
How does sex and gender fit into questions of identity?
10th March, 7:30-8:30pm Relationships [Ed Shaw]
What kind of relationships does God call us to? What can we affirm and what can't we?
17th March, 7:30-8:30pm Sex [Phil Nightingale]
Where do our bodies and sex fit into all this?
How can we "offer our bodies to God as living sacrifices" (Rom 12:1)?
24th March, 7:30-8:30pm Life together [Nick Alexander]
How do we respond to differences in thinking on these matters, and to differences in lifestyle?
What impact does it have on our unity?